Dawn Raid ACM.

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Un unexpected Dawn Raid

Your company – or you personally – may be unexpectedly confronted by ACM or EC inspectors on the doorstep. Such “dawn raids” usually take place early in the morning. The inspectors then want access to your premises and records, they want to make digital copies of your computer systems, and they want to question you and your employees.

What to do in the event of an unexpected business raid by, for example, the ACM

Raids usually take place early in the morning, hence the name dawn raid. We are your company raid lawyer and are available 24/7 to assist you in the event of a raid. It is essential that you and your employees know what to do and what not to do in the event of an unexpected raid. For example, never destroy evidence such as e-mails or mobile phone apps. This is punishable by high penalties! Read more about what to do in case of an unexpected company raid.

The preparation

Preparing for an unexpected visit from a competition authority will help to reduce the burden of an investigation and to maintain composure within the organisation. Read the instruction below for the best possible preparation.

Contact us

We are available 24/7 to assist in the event of a dawn raid. It is very important for you and your employees to know what to do – and what not to do – if this happens. We have assisted during dawn raids by both the ACM and the European Commission. Call us on +31 (0)6 232 994 54 (Claudia Koken) or +31 (0)6 466 127 08 (Esther van Aalst). You can also send an e-mail to info@complawyers.nl or fill-in our contact form in.